Monday, January 5, 2009

Is cluelessness terminal? I hope so.......

By now, most of you have heard about the folks who had the chutzpah to tell me what I can & can't do in my own group chat. There's a detailed blow-by-blow over on Kaedy's blog (link on the right) so I needn't go into detail here. The fact the people are likely fertile makes me fear for the future of humanity. If only cluelessness were terminal. As Ron White is famous for saying, "You can't fix stupid" Unfortunately, the profoundly stupid happen to be some of the most fertile. This is likely some Darwinian survival mechanism, but it has been thwarted by the nanny state and the ever-present product warnings. Truthfully, there are some people who should use the hair dryer in the shower.

Another by-product of nanny-style government is the erosion of the concept of private property. We see it every day in ridiculous zoning ordinances, and the fact that you often need to jump through several flaming hoops of bureaucracy to get anything done at City Hall. I believe in the concept of the common good, and agree that zoning is a necessary evil. Sometimes, however, it goes way too far. But we the people have quietly accepted the concept of other people deciding what we can do with our property and have ceased fighting back. The exception is those of us who have bothered to read the US Constitution. I like fighting City Hall.

What all the above has to do with Freakheim & the band of Freaks is this: The club, and the group, belong to Kaedy & I. We make the rules. Our outlook is summed up quite nicely in the Group Charter. I realize that some people dislike aimless chatter or spam in the group window. LL has thoughtfully provided a mechanism to eliminate unwanted messages: close the window. Kind of like changing the channel if you don't like what's on TV. What some see as spam, others see as connecting with Group members. It's my way of saying hey & seeing what everyone's up to. The overwhelming consensus has been supportive of this concept, so Band of Freaks Group chat spam is here to stay. We love ya, and being Freaky is what we're all about. If you're doing something naughty, we want to hear about it.


Ozark Hax said...

ohh, god, Freakheim spam! I love it! Where can i buy it? And does is come only in a can, or are there other ways they sell it in aswell..

Should i just order here, i think? Ok.. i would like to have 4 portions of 1 pound each, 1 to eat right away, the rest to keep in the freezer. Please let me know when i could come and take it.... Thanks!

. said...

OMG you have given me SUCH AN IDEA!!!!

. said...

Ok I dood it! I made a huge Can O' Spam tip jar! Free to anyone who wants one :) Just holla and I'll drop one on ya!

Ozark Hax said...

.... and it´s a great can, Kaedy! Thanks for making me one! Makes me hunger for even more freaky action down at the Funeral hHome!