Thursday, June 4, 2009

I've been Botted!

OK, OK, I realize that I suck at blogging regularly. I get ideas, but rarely at a convenient time. Anyways, I had to share this......details removed due to irrelevance, I'm sure you can fill in the blanks. I was spinning last night at a club, maybe 20-25 folks on the dance floor. The entire set, the conversation was dominated by a group of 3 people in the corner going on and on and was like the lunchroom in a junior high school. Wifey muted them and for her, chat was silent. I went over an hour with absolutely no comment on the music, no requests, and of course no tips. As you all know, the reason I spin is to get the good music out there. I feed of the energy of my audience, and love to comply with requests. Usually at my shows, the music will engender comments, either positive or negative, and it will direct the flow of the set. Last night I may as well have left SAM on automatic and read a book. I was tempted to toss in some Classical, maybe some Sinatra, anything to get a response.

It finally occurred to me that 90% of the avs present were unconnected to anyone at the keyboard. Evidently a lot of folks will park their avie at the club & use it as a radio. That's all well and fine, but when that large of a proportion is doing it it seems like botting. Traffic is pointless unless it enhances the entertainment experience. I had a much better time at FFH a couple nights earlier with 5-7 people in attendance that were 100% participating and focusing on the music.

I don't expect anything to change, but needed to get it off my chest. Thanks for tolerating my rant. I will continue to focus on spinning the best music out there, and as always I welcome requests. Let me know what you want to hear and I'll slide it in for ya!!


Ozark Hax said...

Maybe it WAS your tunes making them to leave their keyboards, maybe it developed a certain need to all of a sudden start to dance, making the crowd to lift theirselves out of their RL chairs and rock around their RL room, playing air guitar and all. Maybe you rocked..... to hard.

Before you jump to conclusion you might wanna investigate this matter some more. My advice: Next time play the most aweful, not welcome to dance on tunes (I suggest R&B) and see what happens. Still no lively chat? Then I guess you were right, but when chat is very much alive... Rethink those kickin' tunes!!!!!

. said...

Okies.. Wifeys two cents. This is one of those things that really bugs the crap outta me.

There were alot more people there at the beginning of the set. And I know people got RL shit to do. Hell I got RL shit to do and I'm guilty of leaving my computer to run to the kitchen to make a quickie dinner for my hubby while he's spinnin... I get that. But I'd be willing to put real money on it THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!

I'm a get there at the last minute kinda gal. Always running, always on time, but always running. And when I got there at 2 minutes to set time, I couldn't even see the place to tell if I was going to run anyone over because my screen was BLACK with pre-pubescent Jr High School chatter. The most ridiculous (sp?), aren't we fuckin cute, drive everyone around them to madness nonsense! Actually I muted a total of 5 people!

Now I'm a traffic watcher when my hubby is playing. I pay attention to what is going on because he's to busy to really do that. Without some good old fashioned honest feedback, how the hell is the guy gonna know if people like what he's playin when he's so tied up in request IMs and rooting around in SAM that he cant read chat?

Well there wasn't any chat to read after I muted those five. It was dead. Except for scripted Yadda Yadda stuff being spewed onto the screen, nobody was saying DICK!

What they were doing, was leaving in droves. 10 people in the first half hour and it went downhill from there.

Was it the music? No! When Rykk plays something people dont like, they sure as hell have no problem spouting off about it. Even when its highly inappropriate for them to do so, say… a co worker for example. But that’s fodder for another blog post. The problem? People who think they're cute when they're just fucking annoying. And its not the first time its happened.

This is the kind of chat that was going on.

I'm a slut? You're a slut
Im not a slut, I dont sleep with everyone
Not everyone is getting into my pants
Nobody can get in your pants, theyre too small
no you STFU

20 minutes of this drivel interlaced with massive amounts of gesturebating. SHOOT ME IN THE FUCKIN HEAD! No wonder people were leaving!

Anonymous said...

What more so bugs me is the folks who show up and don't even have their stream on. I'm like... OMG why are you even at a music club if you're not even listening??? Makes no sense to me. It's like going to a restaurant and not having anything to eat (which some skinny people do). I mean it's rude for one... it's making you a waste of floor space for another. At least tip the staff working since they are putting in all that effort to entertain you. :-/